LinErase kolagen do iniekcji (podobnie jak mezoterapia)  J. POLSKI - KLIKNIJ 

Galeria przed i po zabiegach LinErase:

Zdjecia przed zabiegami LINERASE 3  Zdjecia po zabiegach LINERASE 5

Przed zabiegami Linerase                                                         Po zabiegach Linerase

Zdjecia przed zabiegami LINERASE  Zdjecia po zabiegach LINERASE 4

Przed zabiegami Linerase                                                         Po zabiegach Linerase

Zdjecia przed zabieg LINERASE 6  Zdjecia po zabiegach LINERASE 2 

W czasie i po kuracji zalecamy picie wody z kolagenem i witaminą C oraz capsułek z kolagenem i witaminy C lewoskrętnej

witamina                 Voda Collagen Sport Glass              colvita

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GOLDEN collagen mask to colloidal gold - PURE GOLD MASK
Do you allow yourself the time to luxurious care? Treat yourself to relax and take advantage of our Institute of surgery using a collagen mask NCI, which is bathed in a wealth of active substances. In addition to native collagen you will find colloidal gold, completely non-toxic and safe for the body's means of slowing down the processes of weakening of the supporting grid collagen - elastin. You do not need anything more to take care of yourself and of your skin in a unique way - through regular use of collagen mask NCI regain the natural brightness and radiant look of your face. A liquid in which bathed masks are complementary: hyaluronic acid to facilitate your skin behavior of the water and absorption of active substances, vitamin B3, reducing pore size, and anti-irritant, and vitamin E, called "the vitamin youth", restoring the tension youthful vitality and radiance . Stop your youth for longer.
perfectly and lastingly moisturizes the skin of the face,
regularly used regenerate the epidermis and reduce the depth and length of the wrinkles,
restore firmness and elasticity of the skin,
refresh the skin giving it the luminosity,
restore a radiant and youthful appearance of the face.
After 1-2 uses of: immediate moisturizing effect and collagen peptides saturating the skin, repair skin cells.
3-4 uses of: a smaller reduction of wrinkles, pores and reduction in the level of melanin.
5-7 of uses: visible reduction of wrinkles, skin revitalization.
Note: the same material and shape of the masks is standardized and therefore present in many similar products. While deciding on the effectiveness of the INCI fluid nasączającego is an original recipe, which is characterized by the unique presence of hydrate fish collagen extracted in the form of molecular (helical).
Colway - mask treatment with colloidal gold
Another treatment is a massage collagen lasting 2 - 2.5 h treatment consisting of:
Exercise peel or microdermabrasion / acids, massage biologically active collagen, applying the cream. While the treatment is massaged a large amount of collagen approx. 12 ml.
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